Shocking Truth: Arab Nations Refuse Refuge for Palestinians Fleeing War!

Shocking Truth: Arab Nations Refuse Refuge for Palestinians Fleeing War!

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"JERUSALEM – Following a meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Egyptian counterpart in Cairo on Thursday, a press release emphasized, "The United States reiterates its opposition to any forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.

" While forced displacement is not being considered, there is a growing concern among analysts about why regional countries are hesitant to offer, at the very least, temporary refuge to Palestinians in Gaza. 

Images of malnourished children and desperate civilians searching for food and water in war-torn Gaza have circulated on both mainstream and social media platforms in recent weeks. 

Damning reports from relief organizations have accused Israel of obstructing crucial aid deliveries. Yet, the response from the international community seems to be compelling these individuals to endure an increasingly dire humanitarian situation.

When asked about this policy by Fox News Digital, both regional nations, which have previously provided refuge to civilians fleeing wars in Syria, Iraq, and Sudan, and international organizations that have rallied to help refugees from other conflict zones, either remained silent or offered one-dimensional statements emphasizing that Gazans should not be forced to leave their enclave.

None of the responses addressed the people in Gaza who are desperate to evacuate themselves or their families temporarily until a ceasefire is declared. 

They also failed to acknowledge the reality that much of Gaza's housing and civilian infrastructure has been destroyed by five months of conflict and could take years to rebuild. 

"We are witnessing a tragicomedy where Israel is urging Palestinian civilians to evacuate areas where Hamas terrorists are hiding, so Israeli forces can target them, while Arab states, Western powers, and international organizations are pressuring the Palestinian people to stay in a perilous war zone," said Dalia Ziada, director of the MEEM Center for Middle East and East Mediterranean Studies, in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Ziada, an Egyptian national who was forced to flee Cairo after condemning Hamas for its brutal terror attack in Southern Israel on Oct. 7, noted that since Israel's establishment in 1948, Arab leaders have perpetuated propaganda suggesting that accepting Palestinian refugees "undermines the so-called Palestinian cause and will allow Israel to control the entire disputed territories." "Recently, the narrative has shifted slightly to justify the rejection of Palestinian refugees, particularly in countries like Egypt and Jordan, which are neighbors directly affected by the current crisis," she said. Instead of allowing those fleeing the violence to enter, Egypt has argued that opening its doors to Palestinian refugees, even temporarily, would pose a threat to the country's national security.

Instead, Egypt, which shares a direct border and land crossing with the Gaza Strip, has fortified its defenses with additional soldiers and reinforced the border wall. 

Recent reports have also surfaced that an officially sanctioned Egyptian travel company has been charging exorbitant fees to Palestinians seeking to leave the Strip. 

A detailed story published earlier this month by U.K. outlet Sky News described how Gazans are being charged up to $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child by an Egyptian travel agency, 

Hala, to arrange passage through the border crossing to the safety of the Sinai Peninsula. Before the war, travel could be arranged through the agency for only $350 per person.

Officially, Egypt has only allowed foreign nationals and the injured to leave Gaza since the war began in October, the report said. 

It noted, however, that the number of medical evacuees and foreign nationals leaving was much lower than those who had paid to leave. 

The report also highlighted that while Hala was not listed as an official government service, all entry into Egypt is monitored by the border authority. 

Mustafa Barghouti, head of the Palestinian National Initiative faction and a member of the Palestinian parliament in the West Bank, told Fox News Digital that charging Palestinians to leave Gaza was "unacceptable." 

However, he noted that the number of people wanting to leave the Strip was "very small."

"The Palestinian people do not want to become refugees again," he said. "Some have already become refugees in the past and do not want to be forcibly displaced again." 

"Nobody will accept the expulsion of people from Gaza; this is Israel's plan – the emptying of Gaza – and it is something we cannot accept," Barghouti said. 

"The question is why Israel is not allowing sufficient aid into Gaza, why there are thousands of trucks waiting to enter? The question is why Israel is bombing civilian areas and why Israel has destroyed our hospitals and universities?"

He also claimed that Israel was preventing injured individuals from leaving Gaza, stating that out of the approximately 16,000 who needed medical treatment, only four had been allowed to leave. 

A spokesperson for COGAT, the Israeli military authority that coordinates between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, told Fox News Digital that approximately 3,200 injured Palestinians had been allowed to leave Gaza for medical treatment since the war began.

While Barghouti said that the Palestinian Authority would be willing to allow refugees from Gaza to move to the West Bank if Israel permitted, Arab states in the region have not shown the same willingness to accept Palestinian refugees. 

Some are even actively blocking it by refusing to issue visas to Palestinian passport holders, all underlining their refusal to be complicit in a forced evacuation. 

They speculate that Israel will not allow those who leave to return, despite comments by Israel's foreign minister and others suggesting otherwise.

Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Fox News Digital that Israeli government policy was that "the future of Gazan Palestinians is in Gaza." 

"The Palestinians in Gaza are temporarily displaced within Gaza as a result of the war that Hamas waged on us on Oct. 7," she said. "Reconstruction of the strip after the elimination of Hamas should be intertwined with the de-radicalization efforts of Palestinian society."

Fahad Nazar, a spokesperson for Saudi Arabia's embassy in Washington, said his country "rejected and condemned the forced displacement of Palestinians, who want to return to their homes and are not interested in seeking refuge in other countries."

Salman Al-Ansari, a prominent geopolitical analyst from Saudi Arabia, told Fox News Digital that the idea that Arab countries should take in Palestinian refugees "has been misconstrued and misrepresented."

"The Saudis, Egyptians, and Jordanians know for a fact that accepting Gazans as refugees would mean an end to the Palestinians' rights to their own lands," he said. 

"It's obvious that the Israeli wishful plan is to simply empty Gaza of its inhabitants. Once they are gone, they will never return."

"Blaming Arab countries for their refusal to take in Palestinian refugees is nothing but a distraction," Al-Ansari said. 

"The solution lies in not causing more death and destruction and in opening multiple safe humanitarian corridors, establishing a truce, and, most importantly, creating a clear path to ending the occupation and implementing U.N. Security Council Resolution 242."

While most senior ministers in Israel's current government have stated that Gazan civilians will be allowed to remain or return to the territory, even if the Jewish state maintains security control, some far-right members of Netanyahu's government have suggested that Israeli settlements should be rebuilt there. Until 2005, Israel had several military bases and civilian communities in Gaza.

"This far-right Israeli government harbors some delusional ideas that they can simply empty Gaza of its inhabitants by leveling the entire Gaza Strip and making it uninhabitable," Al-Ansari said. 

"This is a very dangerous policy that could backfire on the entire region and on U.S. interests in

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