America's Immigration Crisis: Is This the Worst in History?

America's Immigration Crisis: Is This the Worst in History?

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Investigative journalist Todd Bensman recently discussed the immigration crisis with Jacob Rees-Mogg on GBN America, highlighting it as one of the most severe in history. 

Bensman argues that the United States has effectively 'opened its borders,' leading to an unprecedented surge in illegal crossings.

Bensman claims that the current situation at the US-Mexico border is unparalleled, both in American history and potentially in global history. 

He points to the staggering numbers of illegal crossings over the past 36 months, estimating that nearly 10 million people have entered the United States illegally, a figure he finds deeply concerning.

While acknowledging America's historical identity as a nation of immigrants, Bensman emphasizes that the current situation is a departure from the country's past. 

America's Immigration Crisis: Is This the Worst in History?

He notes that while Ellis Island served as a legal entry point for millions of immigrants, the current influx of illegal immigrants is unprecedented. 

Bensman criticizes the current administration's policy, which he sees as actively allowing anyone who crosses the border to stay.

The immigration crisis has become a significant issue in the upcoming US election. Critics have targeted Joe Biden for his role in easing border processes, though he has deflected blame onto House Republicans. 

The handling of the migrant crisis is expected to influence voter decisions in the upcoming election.

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