Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck Taiwan's eastern coast on Wednesday morning, resulting in the deaths of at least nine individuals, injuring hundreds, and causing widespread building collapses across the island, according to Taiwan's fire department.
Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

This earthquake, which occurred about 15 miles south of Hualien county, was the most powerful to hit Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake, which claimed the lives of over 2,400 people. 

Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

The earthquake prompted brief tsunami warnings in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture and the Philippines, with tremors felt as far away as China. 

Aftershocks continued to shake the region for several hours following the initial quake.

Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

The earthquake brought parts of Taiwan's infrastructure to a standstill, with trains halted, roads closed, and schools suspending classes. 

Devastation Strikes: Deadly 7.4 Earthquake Rocks Taiwan!

The island's semiconductor companies, including TSMC, also temporarily halted production to inspect their factories for any damage. 

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