Two young women in Scotland are facing legal action after videos surfaced online showing a toddler vaping.
The footage, reportedly filmed in East Ayrshire, captures a blonde-haired child coughing after being offered a pink vape. Police Scotland has confirmed that both women, aged 19, have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
Fortunately, the child in the video was not harmed.
Nicotine, even in small doses, can pose severe health risks to young children.
Just 1mg to 2mg of nicotine can lead to poisoning if ingested, causing symptoms such as palpitations, seizures, vomiting, and in some cases, fatalities.
Responding to the growing popularity of disposable vapes among those under 18, the Scottish government is aiming to ban their sale and supply due to health and environmental concerns. Paediatricians have warned that these devices could cause long-term damage to the lungs, heart, and brain of young users.
These colorful pens are available in some shops for approximately £5.
A report by the Scottish government last June revealed that around 22% of all under-18s, totaling approximately 78,000 individuals, were believed to have used a vape the previous year, surpassing the number of young smokers.
Draft legislation under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 is currently open for consultation until 8 March. If approved, the sale of single-use vapes will be prohibited from 1 April, 2025, while refillable and rechargeable versions will remain available.