Gaza's Housing Crisis: Rebuilding May Stretch Beyond 2040! Shocking U.N. Report Reveals.

Reconstructing the damaged homes in Gaza is estimated to take until at least 2040, with the possibility of extending for many more years, as per a U.N. report released recently. The extensive Israeli bombings over nearly seven months have resulted in billions of dollars in damages, leading to the destruction of many high-rise buildings in the densely populated area. A U.N. official described the aftermath as resembling a "moonscape" due to the widespread destruction.

According to Palestinian data, approximately 80,000 homes have been demolished since the conflict began following Hamas fighters' deadly assaults on southern Israel starting October 7. Israeli airstrikes have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians.

Even under the most optimistic scenario, where construction materials are supplied at a rate five times faster than in the last Gaza crisis in 2021, the rebuilding of destroyed homes would not be completed until 2040, according to a building assessment. However, the U.N. Development Programme's assessment indicates that it would take about 80 years to fully restore all the housing units that were completely destroyed, based on the pace of reconstruction seen in several past Gaza conflicts.

Another report, based on satellite imagery analyzed by the United Nations, revealed that 85.8% of schools in Gaza have suffered some level of damage since October 7. The statement from the U.N. added that over 70% of schools will require major or complete reconstruction.

The UNDP assessment also forecasts the war's socioeconomic impact, projecting prolonged suffering. "Unprecedented levels of human losses, capital destruction, and the steep rise in poverty in such a short period of time will precipitate a serious development crisis that jeopardizes the future of generations to come," said UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner in a statement.

If the conflict lasts nine months, the report predicts that poverty in Gaza will rise from 38.8% at the end of 2023 to 60.7%, pushing a significant portion of the middle class below the poverty line.

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