BREAKING: Biden's Bold Move - Israel and Hamas Cease-Fire Imminent?

BREAKING: Biden's Bold Move - Israel and Hamas Cease-Fire Imminent?

"The Biden administration has expressed optimism about the potential for Israel and Hamas to reach a cease-fire agreement, despite conflicting reports from Israeli officials suggesting significant differences remain.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby stated on Tuesday that a careful review of both sides' positions indicates they should be able to bridge the remaining gaps. Kirby emphasized the ongoing negotiation process, noting that Hamas had responded to proposals with amendments, which is typical in such talks.

International mediators, including representatives from the US, are working to broker a pause or end to the seven-month conflict. The proposed deal would involve the exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners and an increase in humanitarian aid. However, Hamas's recent acceptance of a cease-fire proposal from Qatar and Egypt was swiftly rejected by Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized Hamas's offer, stating that it was primarily aimed at preventing Israeli forces from entering the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where Hamas is in control. Netanyahu described Hamas's offer as falling significantly short of Israel's key demands.

On Tuesday morning, Israel took control of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, marking its first incursion into that part of the territory. Israeli forces conducted air strikes and issued warnings to Palestinians in the eastern part of Rafah to evacuate. Kirby noted that Israel informed the US that its operation was limited and aimed at cutting off Hamas's smuggling of weapons or funds into Gaza."

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