Shocking Revelation: Catholic Church Refuses Cooperation in Abuse Cover-Up Investigation!

Shocking Revelation: Catholic Church Refuses Cooperation in Abuse Cover-Up Investigation!

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SEATTLE (AP) — The Catholic Church is facing accusations of withholding information from a Washington state investigation into potential misuse of charitable trust funds to cover up instances of sexual abuse by priests, Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced Thursday. He has filed a court motion to compel the Seattle Archdiocese to disclose records dating back several decades.

In response, the archdiocese expressed surprise at the allegations, asserting its cooperation since receiving a subpoena last July. It stated its alignment with the state's objectives of preventing abuse and supporting victims in their healing process.

Ferguson alleged that the archdiocese has not provided any additional documents beyond those already in the public domain, despite claiming to offer private deposition documents. He criticized the church for ignoring a subsequent subpoena this spring, which requested records relating to its handling of abuse allegations and financial records regarding the use of charitable trust funds to relocate accused priests.

Ferguson emphasized the importance of transparency, arguing that the public has a right to access the church's records. He cited investigations in 23 states that have uncovered extensive abuse and cover-up within the Catholic Church.

The Seattle Archdiocese has released a list of 83 clerics it deems to have been credibly accused of abuse. It asserts that it began implementing policies to address and prevent sexual abuse in the 1980s, with no reported incidents since 2007. However, Ferguson stressed that the full extent of abuse in Washington state remains unclear due to the church's lack of transparency.

Survivors and advocates for church reform have welcomed Ferguson's investigation, emphasizing the need for the church to fully cooperate and disclose all relevant records. Ferguson's investigation, which is civil in nature, is focused on the Seattle, Spokane, and Yakima dioceses. While the Seattle Archdiocese has cooperated, the Spokane and Yakima dioceses have reportedly refused to comply with document requests.

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