Global Tension Soars: U.S. Challenges China and Russia on Nuclear Control!

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His statements come in response to the United States' commitment that human control will be the sole authority over its nuclear weapons.

Dean, the principal deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, stated, "We would appreciate a similar declaration from China and the Russian Federation.

"We believe it is an extremely significant standard of responsible behavior, and we believe it would be warmly received in a P5 context." Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg also remarked, "This is our generation's Oppenheimer moment.

"Now is the time to establish international regulations and standards.

"Let us, at the very least, ensure that the most fundamental and far-reaching decision - who lives and who dies - remains in human hands and not machines."These statements were made following U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to China last week.

Tensions between Washington and Beijing were evident as Blinken accused China of attempting to influence the U.S. election.

He stated, "We have seen, in general, attempts to influence, and arguably interfere, and we want to ensure that this is stopped as soon as possible. Any interference by China in our election is something we are closely monitoring and is completely unacceptable to us."

He also criticized China for its involvement in Ukraine, stating, "By supporting Russia's defense industry, China is not only endangering Ukrainian security but also European security. Beijing cannot hope for improved relations with Europe while backing the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War.

"I made it clear that if China does not address this issue, we will. We have already imposed sanctions on more than 100 Chinese entities, as well as export controls, among other measures.

"As before, we are prepared to take further action and I emphasized this in my meetings today."

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