Billionaire's Double Play: Funding Trump and Kennedy Jr. - What's the Game?

Timothy Mellon, a significant donor supporting Donald Trump's Super PAC, is also providing substantial funding to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a third-party candidate seen as a potential disruptor in the 2024 presidential race.

This unusual arrangement has caught the attention of Democrats, who argue that Kennedy's views align more closely with Trump's "Make America Great Again" movement than with left-leaning causes. Many Democrats are concerned that Kennedy, the son of a former Democratic senator and nephew of a former Democratic president, could draw votes away from President Joe Biden, potentially aiding Trump's reelection bid. Trump himself has hinted at Kennedy's support for him.

Kennedy's platform includes defunding the war in Ukraine, a stance embraced by the far-right, and redirecting those funds to public childcare, a policy more commonly associated with the left. He also advocates for border sealing, a right-wing priority, but frames it as a response to a humanitarian crisis.

Mellon, heir to the Mellon family fortune, has donated to various anti-immigration initiatives and was a significant contributor to a Texas-led fund for a border wall with Mexico. Since 2023, Mellon has donated $20 million to the super PAC supporting Kennedy and $15 million to the one supporting Trump, despite having backed Trump in 2020.

However, Mellon's support seems to fluctuate between the two candidates. Over nine months, he alternated $5 million donations between American Values 2024, which supports Kennedy, and Make America Great Again Inc., which backs Trump.

Stefanie Spear, press secretary for the Kennedy campaign, stated that the campaign does not communicate with American Values or track its donors but appreciates support from various political perspectives. Before his presidential run, Kennedy was known for his anti-vaccination advocacy, aligning more with Republicans on this issue.

Kennedy's platform also includes proposals to study the health effects of pharmaceutical products, policies to promote homeownership and support Black businesses, and highlights his connections to prominent Democrats and Hispanic labor activist César Chavez.

Trump's campaign declined to comment, and efforts to reach Mellon through a nonprofit organization were unsuccessful. While Kennedy trails far behind Biden and Trump, polls suggest he has the support of around 10% of eligible voters. Some Democrats fear he could draw votes from Biden, while survey results vary on his impact on Trump's support.

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